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Respite Care and Support

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Caring for your loved one in your own home is popular for many reasons. It can help your senior remain comfortable by living in a familiar area with loved ones and provide you with peace of mind knowing that they are always taken care of. Being the primary caregiver for a loved one can, however, be taxing. You are constantly helping out with daily tasks that have become difficult, or impossible, for your loved one to do on their own. We all need a break sometime and respite care support is a great way to ensure your loved one is safe and secure even when you are not available.

What is Respite Care?

Respite care support is when a temporary caregiver is assigned to your loved one for a short period of time. Respite care is available when the primary care giver has a planned vacation or needs a break. Respite caregivers do not assist with medical responsibilities, however, they do help aid your loved one in many other ways. Some of the services respite caregivers provide are:

  • Personal Hygiene Care
  • Meal preparation
  • Providing transportation
  • Light House Keeping
  • Assistance with Other Daily Activities

Benefits of Respite Care

While being the primary caregiver for your loved one can be rewarding, it can also be mentally, physically, and emotionally demanding. Respite care support allows you, the primary caregiver, to take a break and recharge your batteries while still knowing that your loved one is safe from harms way. As you become more stressed out you can often lose perception of the service you are providing. A short relief from this duty can help you realize better ways to utilize the resources that are available to you.

While respite care support obviously benefits the primary caregiver by giving them a break, it can also be just as beneficial for the senior in need of care. Respite care allows your loved one to socialize and spend time with someone other than yourself in a safe and comfortable environment. Socializing with someone else can help keep your loved one’s mind active and help strengthen their memory. Also, seniors can benefit greatly from having a well rested caregiver help them with their daily tasks that require assistance.

Here at Concierge Care Advisors, we aim to provide you with the information and resources necessary to provide for your loved ones. If you are the primary caregiver for your loved one and are in need of Respite Care Support you can contact Concierge Care Advisors here to talk to an advisor about your options or call us at 855.444.7364.

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Concierge Care Advisors

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