By Erin Kershaw, Certified Senior Advisor at Concierge Care Advisors
A common issue with most of my clients is the fact that they have been blindsided by their loved ones decline and sudden need for care. I hear time and time again that they are unprepared for the decisions that need to be made. No one wants to think about aging and/or needing care, but if you live long enough it will be a reality.
Having a basic durable power of attorney for finances and health care is something that should be done early on in life. Changes can be made down the road if necessary; however, waiting until your loved one needs care can certainly complicate things. People with dementia often do not have the legal capacity to name someone to make decisions for them and when it becomes necessary, it might be too late. Not having the appropriate documents in place could result in you having to go to court to set up a guardianship for your family member if they are not safe and/or are making poor decisions. That process can take over a year and can be very costly. Having a sound plan regarding powers of attorney and setting aside a budget for care down the road will eliminate the stress of having to make these decisions quickly when and if a crisis arises.
At Concierge Care Advisors, we have pre-vetted elder law attorneys that we can refer you to, if you do not have one already. We have many such resources for most issues surrounding senior care and transition. Please reach out if you need assistance; we are always here to help!