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Activities to Do With Your Senior Loved One

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By Amanda Cassman, Certified Concierge Care Advisor

Have you ever found yourself wondering what to do with your senior loved one that they would enjoy? You are not alone! When caring for your loved one, you have a million things running through your head to always making sure they have all their care needs met. One thing that gets put to the side are fun activities that they would enjoy doing by themselves or with someone. Activities can range from cooking to going for a walk or even coloring. The activities may have to be altered if your loved one has dementia, limited mobility, or other limitations.

Activities to do together:

  • Watch old family movies: Watching old family movies together can help make them remember past moments and may also trigger stories they’d like to share.
  • Go on a walk: Going on a short walk outside at a park is always enjoyable. It will get them fresh air and you both can get some exercise.
  • Playing a game together: Playing games like train, dice, or any card game that they love is always a fun idea. You can make it a weekly event providing something to look forward to doing during the week. You can even invite other family members to play with you.

Activities they can do alone:

  • Senior Centers: Going to their local senior center and attending classes that they find interest in. This is something they can look forward to doing and make new friends. The senior center has many different activities like workout classes, art classes and book clubs.
  • Gardening: Gardening can have many positive affects on seniors. It helps reduce stress levels, encourages them to use their motors skills, and allows them get some exercise. If your loved one can’t garden outside, then provide a small in home garden they can have by their window. They might not get as many benefits, but they still will benefit from being able to have one.
  • Puzzles: You can have your loved one pick out a puzzle that they would enjoy doing. They have different sizes of puzzles that they could get done in a day or bigger puzzles they can work on for a while. They also have different themes so you can find one that they will love to put together.

Activities if they have Dementia:

  • Music: Listening to music can be enjoyed by themselves or with someone. It is also stimulating activity that can decrease stress and can be calming. Music can also stimulate memories.
  • Cooking: This is an activity you will want to do with your loved one just to be on the safe side. Seniors with Dementia can forget to turn burners off or what recipe they are doing. Cook one of their favorite recipes. This activity can encourage them to talk more about their memories, work with their motor skills and you get a tasty meal at the end.
  • Pasta Necklaces: Making Pasta necklaces can act like their needle and thread. This can be an activity they can do alone, with you or if they have grandkids! They will love how their necklace turns out.

Activities can be hard to find for your senior loved one but try not to over think them. All the activities should be something that they can relate to or enjoy doing. Hopefully you have found a new idea or activity to do with your senior loved one that you can both enjoy or that you think they would enjoy doing alone.

Written by
Concierge Care Advisors

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