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Lonely Holidays

Inquire Today

By Silvanus Tivis

I recently went to a networking event for work. I hard many great stories of what people would be doing for the upcoming holiday season. Many on the stories included spending time with children, grandchildren, and other loved ones. One of those stories was not like the others. This stories had no children or loved ones coming over. The person telling the story started it with I am an adult orphan. This statement really resignation with me and really got me thinking. This man will be home alone with no family coming over because he no longer has any.  This really got me thinking about how many people in the last few generations who are going to end up just like this, with no family to spend the holidays with or to care for them when they are older.

The holiday seasons are all about spending time with loved ones, and spending time with those we do not see very often. I am fortunate enough to have family to spend the holidays with. My family is fortunate to know that as they grow old I will take care of them. As my loved ones age they will need someone to help them make decisions medically and financially. I know that I will be there to make sure that they get the best care and that they are surrounded by love and happiness. I know that as my husband and I age our children will be there to help us make the best medical and financial decisions we can make. I know how blessed my family is to have one another, yet I wonder who will be there for those that have no one.

This adult orphan statement has made me think about how much planning would need to go into making sure a person would be taken care of. This planning would need to include setting a plan in place if the person was to become mentally unable to communicate what their wishes would have been. Unfortunately not everyone thinks of these things as they are aging. Some people think they will be able to live at home alone until their last day. I know this would be the ideal situation for most of us. What people may not think of is how much will it coast to stay at home if they were to get really sick. This has me thinking about how I should be planning for me and my husbands future, as well as for the future of our parents and grandparents.

I know that because not everyone that is an adult orphan has planned they may slip through the cracks when it comes to their health. It could take someone having a medical emergency and ending up in the hospital to be aware that that person is alone and needs help. In this situation it could mean some physical therapy and being back to normal, but that is not always the case. Sometimes people have been home alone and they are no longer able to go home alone safely. If you’re an adult orphan who will help you or help make those decisions for you? It is so important to plan ahead, but if you did not I hope you are fortunate enough to have an advocate for you.

In the time I have been with Concierge Care Advisors I have seen that we as a company strive to help those that need an advocate. We help not only those that have no family but also those that do. I have watched our advisors hand hold everyone they meet through the process of making some tough life changing decisions. I have seen them hug a crying sister that had to make tough decisions about placing her sister who had no one else. I have watched them advocate for what is right and fair for a client. We  are fortunate to say that we get to be there for those that need us the most.




*Image courtesy of lekkyjustdoit at

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Concierge Care Advisors

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