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Elder Placement & Referral Agency Concierge Care Advisors Expose Heroes in “Best of 2011” Awards

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Rep. Jim Moeller, Columbian Reporter Marissa Harshman, and Detective Pamela St. John feted advancing Safety and Security for Seniors

Seattle, WA. Concierge Care Advisors closed out its first full year of operations by “exposing heroes” that reflect the Agency’s mission of secure and safe seniors above all else. Criteria for the recipients required results. “These CCA heroes inspired change, demonstrated courage in the face of opposition, were innovative, and encouraged provocative approaches to problem solving,” said Mary Cordova, Executive Vice President and Co-Founder of Concierge Care Advisors. “Above all, these heroes were unafraid to seek greater security and safety for seniors.”

Exposed Hero: The Elected OfficialWashington State Rep. Jim Moeller

Rep. Moeller, Washington State House Speaker Pro-Tem and member of Health & Wellness Committee, represents Vancouver. He sponsored and shepherded ESHB 1494. Passage of any bill is remarkable, but Moeller worked with stakeholders, including opponents, to gain passage
of the first-in-the-nation legislation that regulated Placement and Referral Agencies. These agencies were entirely unregulated and no background checks or training was required, despite handling the sensitive personal and financial information of vulnerable adults. Having, from inception, implemented strong policies that included certification and background checks that include drug testing, Concierge Care Advisors served as a best-practices model.

A health care professional himself, Rep. Moeller aggressively pursues long term care issues,
particularly those that impact the safety and security of vulnerable adults. He was instrumental
in pursuing solutions to slow or inadequate investigations of abuse and neglect by various state
departments, as well as seeking greater accountability and reporting.
“Rep. Jim Moeller is truly remarkable in his ability to reach out to all stakeholders, including
opponents of active legislation,” said Marc Lilly, CEO and Co-Founder of Concierge Care
Advisors. “Rep. Moeller innovatively listens, but also remains true to his goal of security and
safety for seniors. He understands how long term care depends on businesses, and that
responsible businesses depend on fair oversight and regulation.”

Exposed Hero: The InvestigatorMarissa Harshman, Vancouver Columbian.

Marissa Harshman’s work uncovering the abuse of elderly residents by Vancouver, Washington
caregiver Susan Meade, CNA, is resulting in statutory and regulatory proposals by Rep. Jim
Moeller, which will streamline and hasten state investigations and reporting of caregiver abuse.
In the Meade story, the long term care provider properly reported abuse, but the case took
Washington State’s Department of Social and Health Services and the Department of Health
nearly three years to reach conclusion, longer than the Persian Gulf and Korean Wars. The
caregiver was allowed to continue working with vulnerable adults for more than two years; it
was nearly three years before her license and certification was revoked.

“It is difficult to overstate the importance of Marissa Harshman’s fair and balanced reporting on
this subject,” said Cindi Laws, Concierge Care Vice President. “Our priority is the safety and
security of seniors. Citizens need to know that government is acting appropriately and promptly
to protect vulnerable people at every level, and this investigation demonstrated severe flaws in
Washington State’s system. Marissa’s story, which was subsequently picked up by broadcast
media, has provoked change that will result in greater protection for both seniors and long term
care providers who do the right thing.

“Every long term care provider who employs caregivers is held to high standards; they must
conduct background checks on those who come into contact with vulnerable adults, and they
must report any suspected, as well as actual, incidence of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.
When providers follow the law and report bad caregivers, those providers – and the families of
their clients – must have assurances that the state is acting quickly. Caregivers, and others
working with these vulnerable populations, must not be allowed contact until they have been
cleared of any wrongdoing. The protection of seniors must not be superseded by caregivers’
employment rights.”

Exposed Hero: The AdvocatePamela St. John, Seattle Police Department
Pamela St. John is a detective who joined the Seattle Police Department to investigate domestic
violence. Her current assignment involves investigating financial exploitation of vulnerable
adults, a division of the DV unit. Hailed as a hero by victims, attorneys and other advocates,

Pamela determines immediate financial risk, interviewing victims, suspects and others, as well as
case preparation with the prosecutor’s office. She routinely provides outreach and public
education on preventing these types of crimes.
There were 14,477 reports of abuse or neglect in 2009, the last year data was made available by
the State of Washington’s Aging and Disability Services Administration, a division of DSHS.
Of those, 1,505 cases – 10% – are substantiated. However, financial exploitation makes up 28%
(4,061) of all reports of suspected abuse, and 19% of those are substantiated, making this type of
abuse both the largest reported violation and the most likely to have actually occurred. In
comparison, the same period showed 1,278 reports of physical abuse – 9% of all reports – with a
7% substantiation rate.

“The statistics can be dry but reflect an important reality about elder abuse,” noted Kecia Lilly,
Senior Vice President of Concierge Care Advisors. “Pamela St. John strips away the statistics to
reveal the awful truth about financial exploitation: when seniors discover they have been
victimized, the shock to their mental state impacts their physical health and leads to their decline.
Financial victimization also reduces the ability of seniors to enjoy the living options they had
carefully saved for. Thanks to the work of Pamela St. John, increased investigations and
effective prosecution of those preying on seniors is providing for greater security and safety of us

About Concierge Care Advisors
CCA strives to elevate the senior care and housing referral services industry through
personalized attention and self-regulation. While not the first, nor the largest, in the field, CCA
offers credentialed, trained and thoroughly background-checked care advisors who work towards
the best outcomes, not the most numerous. Headquartered in Seattle, the agency helps
individuals and families identify the best senior housing, assisted living, in-home care and other
senior living solutions, based on each individual’s unique circumstance. CCA adopts an approach
that prioritizes safety and security of seniors above profit and volume.

Each Concierge Care Advisor is HIPAA and CCA certified and is among the Northwest’s best.
The company’s advisors personally know, visit and prequalify every recommended community.
To learn more about Concierge Care Advisors’ services, and how the company is helping
establish industry regulations from the ground up, visit, follow
the company on Twitter @CareAdvisors or learn more on our Facebook page.

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No Cost for Families

Our services are entirely free for families. We are compensated by the senior living community or retirement community we refer to, allowing us to help all families with this important journey at no cost to them.

Boots on the Ground

We thoroughly vet every community and professional we work with, ensuring you receive the quality service you deserve. We set benchmarks that matter and only partner with professionals and communities that meet our high standards.

Personalized Choice

With personal relationships with over 2,200 senior living communities throughout the State of Washington alone, including assisted living communities, retirement communities, and independent living communities, we provide more than 2,000 senior living options.

White-Glove Service

You and your loved ones are our focus. From the moment we meet until the day your loved one moves in, we’re by your side every step of the way to ensure your family has the support it deserves. It doesn’t stop there either – stay connected for physician-informed guidance and knowledge to ensure your loved one is receiving the quality care they need.

Expertise Backed by the Concierge Care Advisory Board

At Concierge Care Advisors, our team of Certified Advisors is enhanced by the insights and expertise of the Concierge Care Advisory Board. This panel of medical and industry professionals plays a crucial role in shaping our senior care and transition services, ensuring they meet the high standards of quality and care that our brand is known for. With their guidance, we deliver a more comprehensive range of services, benefiting both families and healthcare professionals.

Advisory Board members actively share their knowledge with our community. They regularly contribute to #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast, where they discuss critical topics in senior care, and publish thought leadership articles on our blog and in industry publications. Learn more about the Concierge Care Advisory Board.

These resources are designed to help seniors and their families make informed decisions about care options, equipping them with knowledge and providing peace of mind regarding senior health and living options. 

Listen to the Concierge Care Advisory Board on #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast


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