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Concierge Care Advisors Survey Shows Need for Travel, Wellness and Menu Options for Seniors in Assisted Living

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Consumers look at activities, daily needs assistance and location when evaluating assisted living facilities for themselves or loved ones

Seattle, WA – September 19, 2011 Concierge Care Advisors, a pioneering Seattle-based senior care and housing referral agency, has completed a survey aimed at identifying consumer trends in the choice of assisted living care for seniors. In the survey, more than half of the respondents indicated that the assisted living facility for themselves, a parent, family member, friend or spouse needs to be within 10 miles of the current residence, and more than 90 percent want the community or facility to offer an on-site shuttle service. Other top requirements for an assisted living residence/facility are meal choices, the availability of daily needs assistance, a wellness or exercise program and an in-room emergency call system.

According to the survey, when looking at options for social activities, today’s consumers are no longer interested in arts and crafts, themed events or non-denominational religious services for loved ones. More than 30 percent of survey respondents want assisted living facilities and communities to offer trips and excursions, and more than 20 percent want on-site outdoor activities such as gardening. More than 85 percent said that they, their family member, spouse or friend would participate in a wellness or
exercise program.

In the category of food and meal services, the majority of survey respondents want to see menu choices and specialty menus, such as Kosher and vegetarian. Only 10 percent of respondents required the option for family and friends to eat at the facility with residents.

Concierge Care Advisors’ survey results mirror those being published by other respected institutions focusing on aging. For example, based on the findings in a survey conducted earlier this year, the Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging predicts the percentage of senior living communities offering wellness programs will double in the next five years, in response to consumer demand.

“The results of our survey validate trends we’re seeing around the country – when it comes to assisted living facilities, consumers want choices,” noted Marc Lilly, President and CEO of Concierge Care Advisors. “By continuing to ask questions and listening to the answers, we can keep current on the changing needs of our constituency. Our goal is to ensure that we offer the best options in housing and care, and surveys such as this one help us anticipate our customers’ wants and needs.”

The Concierge Care Advisors survey was conducted between August-September 2011. More than 90 percent of the respondents were over age 45. Additional information gleaned from the survey will be posted to the company’s blog in the coming weeks.

About Concierge Care Advisors
Concierge Care Advisors strives to elevate the senior care and housing referral services
industry through personalized attention and self-regulation. Headquartered in Seattle,
the agency helps individuals and families identify the best senior housing, assisted living,
in-home care and other senior living solutions, based on each individual’s unique
circumstance. Each Concierge Care Advisor is HIPAA and CCA certified and is among
the Northwest’s best-trained senior care and housing professionals. The company’s
advisors personally know, visit and prequalify every recommended community. To learn
more about Concierge Care Advisors’ services, and how the company is helping
establish industry regulations from the ground up, visit,
follow the company on Twitter @CareAdvisors or learn more on its Facebook page.

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Our Physicians Advisory Board members actively share their knowledge with our community. They regularly contribute to #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast, where they discuss critical topics in senior care, and publish thought leadership articles on our blog and in industry publications. Learn more about our Physician Advisory Board here

These resources are designed to help seniors and their families make informed decisions about care options, equipping them with knowledge and providing peace of mind regarding senior health and living options. 

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