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How to Age Proactively in a Residential Care Home

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By: Cheri Therriault

We are always thinking about the future, but we leave out the parts that make us fearful… like aging and death.  When people are asked to picture their retirement, the all too familiar scenario in many peoples’ heads is of themselves lying on a beach with a martini.  I think we’ve all sought that end-goal at some point, but it’s not necessarily the best picture since it throws caution to the wind.

Look, no one should live in fear, but if you’re constantly optimistic about how events will unfold, then it could lead to disaster.  We once wrote a whole blog on how pessimism can be healthy in the right situations as it can cushion a blow or make you try harder for something you want.

When it comes to planning for retirement, it’s important to consider your constant future because there will always be times where we want to do nothing more than be with our spouses lying on the beach with a martini… but there are also going to be times when we want to enjoy a family supper, or a movie among friends.  This is when thinking about residential care homes becomes important as there will be days when you’re hanging out on a beach and there will be days when you’re among a community of your peers.

The Benefits of Proactive Living in a Residential Care Home

Many people expect their retirement to just come to them… but it won’t. In most cases, you’re on your own… and, if your health deteriorates, then your family are on their own.

The best way to account for your retirement is to pick an “age” or “stage” to move into a residential care home – to start that dream of living on a beach.  By picking a time and place, you can take the steps necessary to make it happen – that’s proactive aging!

If you’re using your Medicare annual checkup, then you’ll know (depending on your health) when you ought to move into a residential care home.  If you’re in perfect health, then choose the age that’s best for you.

Senior living homes provide assistance with weekly housekeeping, heavy laundry, meal preparation, and clean up – not to mention lawn mowing, yard and home upkeep.

Planning Ahead Keeps You Healthy

Part of the reason for writing this is because I have seen spouses (whose significant other has passed away) suddenly have new meaning to their life.  It’s easy to imagine relaxation and comfort in our futures, especially when our loved one shares that dream, but when they pass away, it’s scary to accomplish on our own.

However, in residential care homes, many widows take on a new joy as they find themselves in wholly supported environment with a lot of people who have been through the same experiences. It enriches their lives and guarantees that they won’t need to struggle on their own.

In addition, being in the same house well into old age increases the likelihood of depression, strokes, heart attack, or fall. It also may go unnoticed which is a scary thing to think about.

Proactive Aging with Diet

All too often, I’ve met seniors with poor diets because they stop going to the grocery store and stop cooking. It may be due to fatigue or apathy, but it doesn’t excuse these atrocious sleeping and eating habits. It’s that kind of habit that leads to them needed additional (read: more expensive) care.

However, in senior care homes, seniors are treated to nutritional menus for proactive aging.

So make the choice to age proactively!

Written by
Concierge Care Advisors

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Advisory Board members actively share their knowledge with our community. They regularly contribute to #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast, where they discuss critical topics in senior care, and publish thought leadership articles on our blog and in industry publications. Learn more about the Concierge Care Advisory Board.

These resources are designed to help seniors and their families make informed decisions about care options, equipping them with knowledge and providing peace of mind regarding senior health and living options. 

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