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3 ways Adult Family Homes Conquer your Fears about Aging

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When you ask people what they fear about getting old, the reasons they give seldom apply to aging, but the consequences of aging. They don’t want to need a catheter to use the restroom. They don’t want a nurse waiting on them hand and foot. They don’t want to be a burden. They don’t want to be lonely. They don’t want to be afraid to climb stairs in their own home.

When they talk about their fears, it’s less about growing older and more about how they’re worried they’re going to get more frail and need more care. That’s not natural in aging however, that’s a natural consequence of a lifestyle. If you never learned to put yourself out there and make new friends, then of course, your golden years will be lonely. If you never exercise, then of course you’re going to require more care.

These fears are something we all deal with, but we take the necessary steps to avoid those outcomes by living a healthy lifestyle – yes, even socializing is a part of a healthy lifestyle. However, if these fears still haunt you, then here are 3 ways adult family homes in Issaquah can change all that.

1. Great Outdoors

It’s no surprise that Issaquah is highly sought after from adventure-seeking enthusiasts. This is a nature smorgasbord with activities, parks, fields, and creeks galore.

Visit Lake Sammamish State Park to go for a leisurely hike, or Tiger Mountain for more rugged terrain. If you’re interested in socializing, there’s the Issaquah Creek that always summons hordes of families interested in swimming during the summer months, play Frisbee, and enjoy time together.

Or, if you want to learn the value of austere beauty, visit the Issaquah Alps or Squak Mountain. You’ll see beauteous views you thought were only possible in New Zealand.

2. Great Company

Adult family homes pride themselves on a strong resident to nurse ratio. In Washington State, this means that there are only 6 residents allowed per home. This means no cramped living quarters and no feeling like you’re an afterthought. Each resident is known intimately well and there’s plenty of shared space to go around.

In most cases, all the residents have similar needs, so you’re much more likely to be living amongst peers who actually share the same life experiences as you.

Moreover, if you and your loved one have chosen Issaquah as your retirement destination, then there’s no shortage of intimate settings to get away from it all. Treehouse Point for instance is one of the best ways to get into nature and go camping without all the bugs, uncomfortable sleeping bags, and tents. You can sleep in the treetops and enjoy the scenery.

3. Great Opportunities

Of course, no retirement would be complete without the ability to volunteer and participate in the community. Fortunately, Issaquah is home to the Cougar Mountain Zoo, which is always looking for volunteers. If you’re looking to get involved in your golden years, there are seldom better causes that helping animals and conservation.

Plus, joining a workforce willingly means you can set your own hours and really pursue something you’re passionate about. It may be helping animals at a zoo, joining a church choir, or serving public office. Whatever your vocation may be, retirement is the time to pursue it and adult family homes provide that opportunity.

Written by
Concierge Care Advisors

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These resources are designed to help seniors and their families make informed decisions about care options, equipping them with knowledge and providing peace of mind regarding senior health and living options. 

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