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3 Reasons Assisted Living in Everett is the Best Place to Make New Friends

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It’s not easy conveying to people what growing older is like. That’s not to say that people don’t listen – plenty listen – but not many can empathize. Friends may move away or pass on and homes that were once filled with children and bustling with activity are now empty and oftentimes in disrepair. It’s a strange thing to come home after spending time with friends and feel like your home isn’t “home” anymore.

Of course, many people let the nostalgia for how their home used to be keep them from moving. (Disney and Pixar did this well with UP in which an elderly Carl personifies his empty – and now enshrined – house to his late wife.)

Part of the reason elders move from their houses is not due to care needs, but because they need a fresh start, not a reminder of what once was. There’s a saying that the things in your past are like you’re rearview mirror, a good reminder of what’s behind you, but dwarfed by the windshield. The idea is, you keep moving forward and assisted living in Everett does that with great aplomb.

1. Apartment Homes

For starters, assisted living communities are structured like apartment homes. This means that the house is easy to maintain and readily accessible. Most communities have security to ensure that only residents can enter the campus. An apartment styled home is a perfect way to meet more of your peers. Everyone is centralized, so instead of driving a half hour to an hour away to meet up with friends (or taking a flight to visit family), you can connect with people in similar situations.

Moreover, you don’t need to worry about maintaining your own home. How often have you canceled plans with people because you needed to fix something at home, or a pressing errand was keeping you from venturing out? With assisted living communities, that’s never an excuse because all the housework is done for you.

Another perk to assisted living is that you can have kitchens or kitchenettes in your own room. Although many communities offer dining rooms, cafes, or restaurants on the premises, no one is going to stop you from continuing to cook for yourself. And if you enjoy cooking, then it’s a great way to invite people over to partake in a meal. This set up lends itself to socializing and the more seniors socialize, the happier they are.

2. Community Events

Oftentimes, people can’t think of what they want to do or not everyone shares in the same interests. It can be hard to find common ground or find something that everyone wants to pay to do. With assisted living however, there’s recreation at your fingertips.

Assisted living communities are known for their coordinated events. Many offer dancing, classes, Wii sports, and board games, not to mention plenty of group trips out into the city (and beyond). There’s always a large calendar of events so even if you don’t usually initiate conversations with people, you can participate in group outings and events – which will always lead to socializing.

If you’re one of those people that prefers not to make idle chitchat, but bond with people over a common passion or interest, then your needs are met. It’s one of the best ways to make new friends in assisted living.

3. Carl Gipson Senior Center

Finally, the city of Everett is known for its Carl Gipson Senior Center. This senior center is what all other centers compare themselves too. The amount of activities, trips, and classes are endless. Seniors in attendance can take multi-day trips, can learn a new language or computer coding. They can learn how to drive, pick up the cello, and take creative writing classes.

If that weren’t enough to satiate your creativity, there’s art, painting, carving, molding, woodworking, and more. There’s book discussions and movie nights with post-movie criticisms, and political debates. If you’re looking for an active lifestyle, there’s no better outlet than the Carl Gipson Senior Center (CGSC).

For elders in need of more activity than their house provides, the assisted living homes in Everett are perfect ways to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It’s not the ending of your book, it’s the dawn of a new chapter. So get out and explore!

Written by
Concierge Care Advisors

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