By Vannah Rose Roberto, Senior Advisor at Concierge Care Advisors
The month of April is typically aligned with all around good vibrations as the start of Spring is here. It is also a huge month in the healthcare industry as we celebrate all the many holidays that April has in store for us, such as Autism awareness month, child abuse awareness month, and defeat Diabetes month, to name a few.
I want to take the time to dedicate this post to Parkinson’s disease as April 11th is World’s Parkinson’s Disease Day. Parkinson’s disease has become number 14 on the list of top leading causes of death in the US according to the CDC. Without the proper tools and environment, patients who deal with the day-to-day struggles related to PD can be detrimental to their every day lives.
We come across a lot of seniors in our community who have Parkinson’s disease in addition to other comorbidities such as Dementia/Alzheimer’s who continue to struggle with their everyday activities of daily living. According to parkinson’, “It is important to understand that motor symptoms of PD only become evident later in the course of the disease, after 60% to 80% of the substantia nigra neurons have already been lost or impaired. Lewy bodies (accumulation of abnormal alpha-synuclein) are found in substantia nigra neurons of people with PD.” With that being said, patients are encouraged to seek support through their doctors for recommended therapies, both physical and medical.
Parkinson’s disease has proven to be more complex considering next steps has become a dire need for seniors and families to consider in receiving additional care and support through this stage of life. At CCA, we have the tools to take you through next steps and consider making decisions that may ultimately be the best for your loved one.