Vannah Rose Roberto, Certified Concierge Care Advisor
It’s true, you could feel young forever regardless of your age. After all, they say age is just a number, but they also say you’re as old as you feel.
There are key components to staying and feeling young after you turn sixty. I’m sure you’ve heard it over and over again… you guessed it! Sleep, diet, and (drum roll please!), exercise. Yup! I said it, exercise.
Sleep and diet are pretty self-explanatory. I’ll dive deeper into exercising since you’re probably thinking “how can I exercise at my age”. I’ve heard that so many times; even with my own parents… and they’re not even 60 yet.
Now, I don’t mean heavy weightlifting or running a marathon but there are many things you could do to stay active. The best thing about it is you’re killing two birds with one stone; you’re staying active physically and mentally, which is so incredibly important. Your quality of life will only increase as you age. The number one thing we will always recommend is to consult your doctor on any physical activities you plan to indulge in. Even if you think it’s not worth mentioning, and especially if you don’t do physical activity often.
Here are 10 physical activity ideas:
- Swimming
- Golfing
- Gardening
- Dancing
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Cycling
- Long distance walking
- Resistance band strength training
- Meditation
And so many more!
Moving your body every day significantly increases the ability to feel young and stay young both physically and mentally. Committing to 20-30 mins every day to your health can make a big impact on your quality of life. Looking and feeling your best can be done both inside and outside depending on what you’re interested in. Maybe your activities change as the season changes which is loads of fun and keeps you trying new things or perfecting your craft.
Here is more information on how important your physical health is from the CDC: