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Happily Ever After

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By: Kathy Kappler, RN

I was recently introduced to a client in a skilled rehabilitation facility that needed to find an assisted living community that could handle her multiple care needs. As I visited with this lovely lady I realized she had no family around to assist her with this process. I did our usual intake, gathering all the information from her regarding her needs and interests. At the same time, I took time to establish a needed trust, fully aware that I would be the one to assist her through this process. She had to move from her previous one bedroom apartment into either a smaller one bedroom or studio apartment at discharge. I discussed the reality of the situation with her based on her finances and her care needs…and the fact that she had a darling little dog, Missy. Between her finances, her care and her dog, my work was cut out for me to find the perfect fit! My client spent most of her time in her bed and she told me she would trust my judgement to find the right place. I looked into several but knew it was very important to move this lady into a community that could handle her potential increased care needs down the road. One community met all her needs, hopefully with some careful negotiations regarding the move- in fee and rent rate. I spoke with the Executive Director about her situation and he nicely agreed to adjust the cost in order to accommodate this lady. Since her finances only allowed her a studio he also agreed to store her extra furniture at no additional cost.

As my client was dealing with mild cognitive impairment, I then had to discuss the move-in fees and the amount of check she had to write. I then realized she had her bank accounts mixed up and with her permission we called and talked to the bank on a conference call. I spent a great deal of time helping her to understand what her care cost and also her balances in her check book.

She needed a mover to pick up her things in her previous apartment and move them to the studio. I had a mover that I had worked with many times and knew he was a good soul and very trustworthy. I set him up to meet with her and he did a wonderful job of packing up and unpacking up her things. He even gave her a break in his rate.
So the move day came and her and Missy, moved in their new studio apartment. I visited her to make sure she was settled ok and that her personal things were stored away. After all of her worries and care about her little dog she told me she was having trouble taking care of her and may have to find her a home. I told her I would help with that.

With the help of my wonderful team, one of the advisors welcomed the chance to care for this previously abused/rescued little 8 pound Shih Tzu. I visited my client again and told her I found a wonderful home for her dog. She was sad but thankful that the dog would be taken care of. The advisor came that same day and picked up Missy up. She was going to a wonderful home with other Shih Tzu’s and lots of love. The advisor promised the senior she would make monthly visits to the assisted living community to bring Missy for visits.

This is an example of how we at Concierge Care Advisors go above and beyond the normal service when our client needs our help. It gave me great pleasure to provide this lady with the service and care that she so badly needed.

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Concierge Care Advisors

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