Senior Living Frequently Asked Questions

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Senior living is a journey unique to everyone. Our mission is to provide a path that works for you, your loved one, and the rest of your family.

If you have any questions about what you might expect while deciding on which senior living option suits your loved one best, this page might have the answer you’re looking for. We’ll also happily answer any additional questions you may have about senior living when you contact one of our advisors.

Get in touch with us today.

Why Choose Concierge Care Advisors?

We offer free, CCA, and HIPAA-compliant services for families, ensuring unbiased representation and expert guidance. 

Our dedication goes beyond providing support; we’ve even influenced legislation in Washington to help benefit all seniors. Get in touch with us and experience a white-glove approach to senior care and assistance.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Questions

Memory and cognition can pose real challenges for seniors diagnosed and their caregivers—whether a trained professional or a family member.

Keep a close eye out for issues like not taking prescriptions on time or financial mismanagement. Once your loved one is diagnosed, you need to make long-term decisions together, including legal, financial, and health care plans.

Though the future may feel uncertain, with proper care, there can still be times of joy and laughter. Concierge Care Advisors can help you develop a thoughtful transition plan for your loved one’s care.

Care & Planning Questions

When discussing the future with an aging loved one, it’s important to approach the conversation with care and understanding. Start by gently introducing the topic and asking for their thoughts.

Look for opportunities to address their needs and research options that align with their well-being.

Our services at Concierge Care Advisors can provide objective advice and support, including free home visits. By presenting concerns in a loving context, we can work together to ensure their health, comfort, and happiness.

To get the best recommendations, you should always make sure that:

  • Each community you consider has had a background check through the state (DSHS).
  • The advisor personally knows the community and has actually been there and met the owner or management.
  • You know exactly what the community offers in terms of care, food, transportation, and amenities.
  • You have a plan for care if you believe you may run out of money. However, Concierge Care Advisors can often negotiate these types of situations with the community to ensure that your loved one will not be asked to leave for financial reasons.

Families often put off planning, hoping their loved one’s health and well-being will improve with time. However, they are then often faced with a crisis situation, such as a discharge from a hospital or skilled nursing facility, where the parent simply cannot return to their own home safely. When you plan in advance, your options for a great community increase dramatically.

If your loved one is no longer safe at home, start with a caring conversation. If needed, our senior advisors can help facilitate this discussion.

Planning for the future may involve selling a home, understanding finances, finding appropriate housing, and setting a timeline.

Stories of senior care neglect crop up from time to time—this is something Concierge Care Advisors screens because everyone deserves dignity and respectful treatment, especially in their golden years.

We perform rigorous background checks and health and safety audits on all of our partners, ensuring that they are taking appropriate care of their clients and that their clients are thriving in their care.

Cost & Insurance Questions

Unfortunately, Medicare only covers short-term, non-custodial care needs.

For more information, please visit our Insurance & Benefits page.

Absolutely nothing. 

We are a free service to the seniors and their families. We are compensated by the senior housing community after we facilitate a move for your loved one.

Furthermore, we have no special arrangements or partnerships with particular communities, which helps us assess and recommend each community fairly and honestly.

Cost varies greatly in the senior care industry, depending on factors like amenities and the type of care your loved one needs—whether it’s independent living, assisted living, adult family homes, skilled nursing homes, or in-home care.

Depending on rent and the level of senior care needed, your price could range between $3,000–$12,000 per month.

Don’t be alarmed by the higher end, as that cost involves intensive specialized care. The best way to understand your costs is by contacting a Concierge Care Advisor.

Yes, long-term care insurance is available. However, just like with any insurance, the time to purchase insurance is before you need it.

If you have previously purchased long-term care insurance for a senior loved one and are now considering options, then we can make sure to help you find a community or home that matches your insurance benefits.

Yes, benefits are available. The VA provides supplemental income through the Veterans Pension to veterans and their widowed spouses. Then, veterans and spouses who require care and assistance may be eligible for Aid & Attendance financial benefits. Veterans and spouses who are homebound may qualify for additional benefits.

As you might expect, navigating government benefits can be complicated. To help understand your options, contact a Concierge Care Advisor anytime.

Aside from personal finances, many people in this age group are eligible for VA benefits. Other common sources for financing elder care include long-term care insurance, pension benefits, and Medicaid in the event of very limited resources.

A senior advisor can assist by discussing various housing costs with you and can also refer you to specialists and service providers for various benefits, such as VA and Medicaid.

Medicaid benefits vary by state but may cover health needs such as long-term care services, including:

  • Senior care communities
  • Home health services
  • Personal care services

The qualifications for Medicaid vary by state as well.

Medicaid is a complex program. While we’re not Medicaid experts, we are knowledgeable and have helped thousands of others in your same situation. We can help you assess your options by contacting a Concierge Care Advisor.

PTSD Questions

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening, or distressing events.

Although PTSD is typically associated with combat veterans, victims of abuse or violence, survivors of disasters, or first responders, it can also affect caregivers.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after a very stressful, frightening, or distressing event or after a prolonged traumatic experience.

Types of events that can lead to PTSD include:

  • Serious accidents
  • Physical or sexual assault
  • Abuse, including childhood or domestic abuse
  • Exposure to traumatic events at work, including remote exposure
  • Serious health problems, such as being admitted to intensive care
  • Childbirth experiences, such as losing a baby
  • War and conflict
  • Torture

PTSD develops in about 1 in 3 people who experience severe trauma.

The symptoms of this anxiety disorder are manifold, and some people may experience a few or all of them.

  • Increased anxiety: If you’ve ever had a night terror, then you’ll understand what this is like. Post-trauma stress can manifest in your psyche and put you on high alert—all night.
  • Flashbacks: For caregivers, this might mean you flashback to your loved one berating you during a time when they were sundowning. It may be feeling like you’ve lost them all over again. It could happen hand-in-hand with increased anxiety, where you’re suddenly on high alert and worried your loved one is wandering around the house.
  • Physical pain & mental anguish: Many caregivers suffering from PTSD report aches and pains that won’t go away. Additionally, many experience headaches and thoughts of hopelessness. They feel unable to move forward.
  • Antisocial behavior: Many caregivers detach from their families and friends, feeling numb, empty, and guilt-ridden. They may think about death and contemplate suicide.

PTSD can lead to suicide, making it crucial to be vigilant of one’s own or a loved one’s well-being. Everyone copes with death differently, but seeking professional help is necessary if someone shows symptoms of post-traumatic stress.

Anyone can develop PTSD at any age. This includes war veterans, children, and people who have been through a physical or sexual assault, abuse, accident, disaster, or other serious events—including caregivers.

According to the National Center for PTSD, about 8 out of every 100 women and 4 out of 100 men will experience PTSD at some point in their lives.

PTSD symptoms vary but commonly include:

  • Re-experiencing the event through flashbacks, nightmares, and distressing sensations
  • Avoidance and emotional numbing, leading to isolation and withdrawal
  • Hyperarousal, such as anxiety and irritability

Other issues may arise, including depression, self-destructive behavior, and physical symptoms. Work and relationships can be impacted.

Yes, for many people. It’s not simply physically exhausting but emotionally, mentally, and financially draining as well.

This is especially true for adult children who take care of parents with dementia or severe disability. Many of them feel an extreme amount of pressure and guilt to provide care but feel powerless to stop the debilitating condition of their parents.

For effective PTSD treatment, a detailed assessment of symptoms is necessary.

Psychological therapies are usually recommended first, with medication added if needed. Self-care and seeking support are important in recognizing and addressing symptoms.

Remember, it’s okay to reach out when you’re not doing well.

Services Questions

We help you find the perfect care and living arrangement for your loved one. From moving them into a safe community to offering guidance on VA benefits and legal assistance, our senior advisors are here every step of the way.

Learn more when you visit our What We Do page.


Concierge Care Advisors in a “person-first” organization, meaning we make it our mission to support you and your loved ones in a way that works best for you.

We’d be more than happy to meet your family in person to determine your loved one’s needs, and we can even join community tours with your loved one to help them find a community they love.

Some things to watch for are if your loved one has experienced one or more falls, they forget to take medications, the yard and home look unkempt, they aren’t eating properly, or perhaps they are no longer taking an interest in their favorite activities.

These are all signs that your loved one may not be safe at their home any longer and would likely benefit from the social stimulation, prepared meals, and care available in a senior care community.

To help you determine if your parent should move into a community that provides care, take our Senior Living Assessment or contact a Concierge Care Advisor to understand your options.

The biggest difference overall in a company like Concierge Care Advisors is that, unlike a senior lead processing company, our senior advisors meet in person with every family and senior they work with and hold their hand throughout the entire transition.

We do this to ensure that your loved one has the care they need with the community that you select together. Our senior advisors are able to provide this service because they’re hired specifically for their years of experience working with seniors and knowledge about all aspects of senior housing.

Learn more about our process and service here.

Veterans Questions

Yes, benefits are available. The VA provides supplemental income through the Veterans Pension to veterans and their widowed spouses. Then, veterans and spouses who require care and assistance may be eligible for Aid & Attendance financial benefits. Veterans and spouses who are homebound may qualify for additional benefits.

As you might expect, navigating government benefits can be complicated. To help understand your options, contact a Concierge Care Advisor anytime.

Aside from personal finances, many people in this age group are eligible for VA benefits. Other common sources for financing elder care include long-term care insurance, pension benefits, and Medicaid in the event of very limited resources.

A senior advisor can assist by discussing various housing costs with you and can also refer you to specialists and service providers for various benefits, such as VA and Medicaid.

I Have More Questions. Who Should I Contact?

Please contact us any time about any questions you may have. You and your family are facing life-changing decisions, and we are here to help. 

Why Choose Us

No Cost for Families

Our services are entirely free for families. We are compensated by the senior living community or retirement community we refer to, allowing us to help all families with this important journey at no cost to them.

Boots on the Ground

We thoroughly vet every community and professional we work with, ensuring you receive the quality service you deserve. We set benchmarks that matter and only partner with professionals and communities that meet our high standards.

Personalized Choice

With personal relationships with over 2,200 senior living communities throughout the State of Washington alone, including assisted living communities, retirement communities, and independent living communities, we provide more than 2,000 senior living options.

White-Glove Service

You and your loved ones are our focus. From the moment we meet until the day your loved one moves in, we’re by your side every step of the way to ensure your family has the support it deserves. It doesn’t stop there either – stay connected for physician-informed guidance and knowledge to ensure your loved one is receiving the quality care they need.

Expertise Backed by Our Physicians Advisory Board

At Concierge Care Advisors, our team of Certified Advisors is enhanced by the insights and expertise of our Physicians Advisory Board. This panel of medical professionals plays a crucial role in shaping our senior care and transition services, ensuring they meet the high standards of quality and care that our brand is known for. With their guidance, we deliver a more comprehensive range of services, benefiting both families and healthcare professionals.

Our Physicians Advisory Board members actively share their knowledge with our community. They regularly contribute to #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast, where they discuss critical topics in senior care, and publish thought leadership articles on our blog and in industry publications. Learn more about our Physician Advisory Board here

These resources are designed to help seniors and their families make informed decisions about care options, equipping them with knowledge and providing peace of mind regarding senior health and living options. 

Listen to our Physician Advisory Board on #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast


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