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Can You Hear Me? Hearing Loss in Older Adults

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By Jenny Austin-Krzemien, Certified Concierge Care Advisor

Recognizing Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Helping Loved Ones Stay Connected

Hearing loss in older adults can often go unnoticed, yet it significantly impacts their quality of life. I first realized my dad was experiencing hearing loss during a family gathering. His unusually loud voice, repeated “what?” responses, and preference for sitting off to the side made it clear that he was struggling to hear.

Many seniors face similar challenges, often leading to isolation, frustration, and difficulty maintaining social connections. Addressing hearing loss early can help older adults stay engaged with their loved ones and the world around them.

Understanding Hearing Loss in Older Adults

The Prevalence of Hearing Loss

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, one in eight people in the United States—around 30 million individuals—aged 12 or older has hearing loss in both ears. For older adults, untreated hearing loss can lead to:

  • Social isolation.
  • Miscommunication with loved ones.
  • Increased risk of depression.

Common Causes of Hearing Loss in Seniors

  • Age-related Changes: Natural aging processes affecting the inner ear.
  • Noise Exposure: Loud concerts, machinery, or prolonged noise exposure.
  • Health Conditions: Untreated infections or chronic conditions like diabetes.

Affordable Hearing Aids: A New Era for Seniors

Historically, the high cost of hearing aids prevented many seniors from seeking treatment. However, recent changes have made these devices more accessible:

  • Over-the-Counter Options: Retailers like Walgreens, Walmart, and CVS now offer hearing aids for under $1,000.
  • Prescription Hearing Aids: Provide a tailored solution but often cost $4,400 to $5,500 per pair.

These advancements help break down barriers, making it easier for older adults to manage hearing loss and regain confidence in social settings.

Taking Action: Supporting Older Adults with Hearing Loss

Recognize the Signs

If you notice loved ones frequently asking “what?” or withdrawing from conversations, consider scheduling a hearing test. Free online assessments, like those from Miracle-Ear, can be a great first step.

Seek Professional Guidance

Consulting an ENT specialist can help identify the root cause of hearing loss and recommend appropriate solutions, such as hearing aids or therapy.

Address the Stigma

Many seniors resist hearing aids due to outdated stigmas. Reassure your loved ones about modern, discreet designs and the positive impact these devices can have on their independence.

Supporting Seniors Through Hearing Loss

Hearing loss in older adults doesn’t have to lead to isolation or frustration. With early intervention, affordable solutions, and supportive care, seniors can remain socially connected and maintain a fulfilling lifestyle.

Are you seeking expert guidance for senior care options in Seattle or the surrounding area? At Concierge Care Advisors, our local elder care advisors specialize in helping families navigate life’s transitions, including hearing loss challenges. Whether you’re exploring senior care options in Seattle or need personalized support from a local elder care advisor in your town, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you and your loved one in finding the right solutions for a connected and vibrant life. Visit our Contact Us page to get started.

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Concierge Care Advisors

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Our Physicians Advisory Board members actively share their knowledge with our community. They regularly contribute to #TheSeniorSpotlight Podcast, where they discuss critical topics in senior care, and publish thought leadership articles on our blog and in industry publications. Learn more about our Physicians Advisory Board.

These resources are designed to help seniors and their families make informed decisions about care options, equipping them with knowledge and providing peace of mind regarding senior health and living options. 

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